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What Is Uremic Diet and Its Purpose

2014-12-07 15:41| Font Size A A A

What Is Uremic Diet and Its PurposeWhen diagnosed with uremia, it meas that your have only have 15% or less kidney function which can not maintain the whole body health. Most of patients are suggested to have a strict diet plan, so as to stop or at least slow down the progression of kidney damage. Well then, what is uremic diet and its purpose?

The overview of uremia.

Uremia, also know as end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or Kidney Failure, occurs when abnormally high levels of waste products such as urea, extra fluid, and creatinine build up in the body and reduce the blood flow to the kidneys. Along with the loss of renal function, symptoms of uremia include rapid pulse,swelling, proteinuria, hematuria, thirst, dry mouth, confusion, heart failure, and so on. In the stage, dialysis or kidney transplant is the common treatment. Aside from them, the doctor might suggest you follow a specialized diet to help you more quickly recover normal kidney function.

Well then, what is the uremic diet?

In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, a specialized kidney disease hospital in China, our kidney experts offers several dietary recommendations and restrictions which can as your diet reference.


Low calcium levels are commonly seen in uremia, patients should consume calcium-rich foods, such as meat soups and fish to avoid calcium-deficient.

Choose high-quality protein diet, like fish, lean meats, milk and eggs, to reduce kidneys’ burden because these protein will produce few wastes. Meanwhile, high-quality protein will also can meet the bodys’ need.

Dietary fiber should be supplied. Generally, consuming 20g of dietary fiber per day to keep your blood cholesterol levels regulated. If your cholesterol levels are too high, it could negatively impact your acute uremia. Fiber-rich foods include oatmeal, sweet potatoes, walnuts and cornmeal.


Limiting intake of salt is helpful for relieving swelling or high blood pressure which is one of leading cause of kidney damage.

Control intake of potassium-rich food such as banana, mushrooms, coffee and pears and so on. It will help prevent hyperkalemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Restrict your sodium intake 4 to 5 gram per day to avoid developing excess sodium-induced edema.

If you were a uremia patients, you should know simple diet is not enough to reverse illness condition. At our Treatment center point, it is true that the Micro-Chinese medicine is very effective treatment to treat this disease. What's more we will also give some other assistant treatment to help treat this disease.

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