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Are Organic Walnuts Good for Kidney Failure Patients

2014-12-31 09:24| Font Size A A A

Are Organic Walnuts Good for Kidney Failure PatientsFriendly-kidney diet is an important part in controlling the progression of illness condition and protecting remaining renal function. In our daily life, walnuts are beneficial for our body health due to its abundant nutrition. Well then, are organic walnuts good for people with kidney failure?

To know whether you can eat organic walnuts, you should have a well understanding about the friendly-kidney diet and the nutrition of the organic walnuts.

Friendly-kidney diet plan

1.Low quantities but high-quality protein diet (0.8g/d is a the upper limit.)

2.Low sodium diet

3.Limit intake of phosphorus and potassium

4.Limit intake of fat

5.Ingest more vitamins and calcium

The nutrition of organic walnuts

Walnuts are packed with nutrients which play important roles for keeping our body overall health. And its some ingredients are indeed good for kidney failure patients which are as follows.

They supply omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats. The nutrient are more effective at lowering LDL “bad” cholesterol for kidney failure patients. And the healthy fat can encourage the health of heart and also reduce inflammation.

Organic walnuts contain dietary fiber, which can help reduce bad cholesterol level, prevent constipation, aid digestion, and protect against cardiovascular disease as well as some types of cancer.

They contain numerous mineral traces like Ca, Zn, K, etc, which can prevent the bone problems like arthritis, broken bone, osteoporosis, etc. And iron content also can prevent anemia.

However, kidney failure patients also should pay attention to other content in organic walnuts.

They are also very rich source of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc, which should be reduced or limited by the kidney failure patients.

In addition, they are an excellent source of protein. For kidney failure patients, eating more protein than the body needs to put an extra burden on the kidneys and cause kidney function to decline faster.

All in all, everything has two sides, and there is no expect for foods. For a safe amount of organic walnuts, please tell us your specific illness condition and fill them in the form below and we will reply you within 24 hours.

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