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Can Kidney Failure Patients on Dialysis Eat Okra

2015-02-09 16:53| Font Size A A A

Can Kidney Failure Patients on Dialysis Eat OkraCan kidney failure patients on dialysis eat okra? Actually, there are many dietary taboos for Kidney Failure patients who are on dialysis. Meanwhile, a scientific and healthy diet plan is also important for dialysis patients. Now, let’s read the passage and find out the answer.

Indeed, dialysis is a life-saving treatment which can help the damaged kidneys filter wastes and toxins from the blood. But, for a long-term dialysis, patients may experience some adverse effects.

In most condition, patients are prone to suffer from malnutrition, low blood pressure, anemia, etc, all of them can affect the life quality of dialysis patients. Therefore, the nutrients for dialysis patients is very important. As a matter of fact, okra is a good vegetable for dialysis patients. Because dialysis patient can get the following benefits from eating the vegetables.

Prevent anemia

Okra is abundant in essential minerals and vitamin C. When kidneys are unable to produce enough EPO, renal anemia and iron deficiency occurs easily. Okra is just rich in iron, so it can help manage renal anemia.

Strengthen immune system

Vitamin C is one common antioxidant, so it can help protect the remaining kidney functioning tissues and boosting patients’ immune system.

Good for digestive system

The vegetable contains no fat or cholesterol but rich soluble fiber which cannot cause high blood fat and high cholesterol level. What’s more, the abundant soluble fiber can improve the health of digestive tract. Eating a right amount of the fruit can help patients improve appetite and prevent malnutrition.

Through the above analysis, we can see that dialysis patients can eat vegetable. After all, diet plan should be individualized. Therefore, if you want to get an personalized kidney-friendly diet, you can talk with our Online Doctor directly or leave a message to and we will do our best to help you.

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