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Foods to Avoid with Renal Dysfunction

2015-02-15 10:37| Font Size A A A

Foods to Avoid with Renal DysfunctionRenal dysfunction, also known as Kidney Failure or renal failure, is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood. When you are suffering from kidney problems, you may asked to develop a strict dietary plan so as to protect the remaining renal function. Because the improper diet will put the extra stress on the kidneys, thus leading to further kidney damage. Here we will introduce the lists of food to avoid with renal dysfunction.

Now, let’s see the dietary principles for kidney failure patients.

Normally, our kidneys can help discharge extra wastes and toxins from the blood. However, for patients with kidney damage, their damaged kidney cannot do that well. Then, a set of disorders of will occur and, causing numerous discomforts. In order to protect kidney function, low-protein, low-sodium, low phosphorus, low potassium but high vitamins and high-quality protein diet should be recommended to patients.

There is a list of foods that kidney disease patients should avoid.

High-potassium vegetables: tomato, potato, beets, spinach, acocados, etc.

High-potassium fruits: banana, orange, kiwi, nectarines, prunes and dried fruits, etc.

High-phosphorus foods: chocolate, nuts, carbonated drinks and dairies like milk, soy cheese, soy yogurt, hard cheese, etc.

High-protein foods: meats, eggs, dairy, seeds, legumes and so on.

High sodium and salt diet: canned food, fast food, fired food, bacon and so on.

In addition to the diet restrictions, there are also some beneficial diet for kidney disease patients.

Low-phosphorus foods: sherbet, lemon-lime soda, pasta rice, popcorn, green beans, etc.

Other beneficial foods for kidney problems include fish oil, egg white, cranberry juice, nettle leaf tea, etc.

Of course, diet plan for kidney disease should be individualized due to different illness condition from person to person. You can chat with our Online Doctor or email to for an personalized diet plan.

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